Monday, July 22, 2013

Dawg Daz of Summer at Sew Bizz

     Here at Sew Bizz we are experiencing a lot of rain. Our gardens are full of fruit but they are mildewing! On the upside, the moisture is great for our skin, keeps us glowing! And guess what we are doing while it's raining outside? Sewing our hearts content out.
     While it's been unusually wet this summer, we hope you have been very productive inside with sewing!
We sure have at Sew Bizz. Our first trade show of the year was in May, "Second Annual Applique Conference" at the BJCC. We had a great time seeing everyone from around the country. There was a
winner from Florida that won our donation machine, one of the new V-Series XE2200 Embroidery Machine by Brother, a value of $4999! Next, it was off to Oak Mountain Middle School for "QuiltFest 2013" with the Birmingham Quilters. They are a great group of ladies. If you would like to become a member go to to check them out. We gave away a PQ1500 Quilt Club by Brother and a member of the guild was the proud owner.
     In July BERNINA University closed out with a bang! So many exciting new products and classes that it will take a whole blog to itself ! So stay tuned for a blog on everything that was shown!
     August will bring a day long sewing program with BERNINA's "  Super Sew Day". There will be a webinar presented by a BERNINA Educator on the uses of the newest software DesignWorks. Call and
sign up as space is limited.
     We will host our very first "Embroidery Retreat" in September 13th through 15th. It will be held at Magnolia Park Retreat, "Home of Alabama Quilts of Valor", in Moody, Alabama. A fee of $185 will
take care of your meals and snacks for all day Friday, Saturday and a half day on Sunday. An additional
$50 is needed to cover the kits for all the projects. You may pay half of the fee by August 1st and all is required by the 15th of August. There will be a list of projects and also "Over Achievers" classes too. We
hope this will be a great success so that we can plan a  semiannual retreat for the spring of 2014.
Happy Sewing,